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Intuitive Art Learning Circle

Sandra Kunz, Intuitive Artist

Intuitive Art Learning Circle

I am facilitating a learning circle for exploring our intuitive process. This class is not just for artists but for those souls that may be blocked or afraid to put that brush or charcoal to the canvas and may have little or no art experience as an adult.

In this learning circle, we will bring presence and awareness into the process of our creation and not be concerned with the end result but instead the the journey with ourselves and how we create. We will bring awareness into the process so that we understand when we are frustrated, afraid, or overwhelmed and are not present and we will learn the tools to work through those emotions and be present. This is not only for the creation of art but for the creation of our life. We begin each circle with a check in and end each circle with a check out to share our experiences. Classes are once a month and it is not too late to join as we have only had one class. This coming Wednesday November 7th is the second class and I will lead the circle through an Animal Spirit guided meditation and we will work with clay to bring a power piece of our spirit animal. We will be working with our animal spirit for the next 8 months discovering what gifts it holds for us and expressing them intuitively through art. After that we will be exploring watercolour, drawing and learning some basic technique to build some skills and confidence in creating art from your heart. To register please email Jana at: For more information: Intuitive Art Learning Circle

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