The Messenger Card App Is On It's Way!
I am thrilled to announce the creation of The Messenger Cards in a digital App that is almost ready to be release. It will be available for Apple and Android for $14.99 CAD. You will be able to pull a card or do a reading for yourself or others if you don't have your set of The Messenger Cards with you and much more.
I have wanted to have an app made for The Messenger Cards for quite at least five years now and it's interesting how one day I just found that the stars had aligned and I was actually making it happen, and it is now well on it's way to being completed.
I was blessed to find a local Okanagan app developing team to work with and we began in February. I have learned a lot about what it takes to create an app which is way out of my wheelhouse but what a great process! With my design and art background I did all of the design work myself and then the app team went away with it!
Features and Benefits of the App
'Card Of The Day' In this feature you can have the Universe select a for you. There is also a 'One Card Reading' that you can choose from the 'Spreads' page where you can choose your own card.
' See Spreads' page where you can choose:
-The One card spread, a three card spread, which can be used for a reading of any topic.
-The Three Card Spread which is the spread that the Universe showed me to use with these cards many years ago when I first created them. The cards are 1) The answer to your question and how you can come into alignment with yourself in this situation. 2) Fine tunes card 1 and what is needed from the Masculine aspect of yourself. 3) Fine tunes card 1 and can be what is needed from the Feminine aspect of yourself.
Here is a sneak peak at what you will see when you do a three card reading:
-The Three Card Relationship Spread which is 1) what you need to know about the relationship 2) what you need to know about yourself in this relationship 3) what you need to know about the other person in this relationship. This can be any relationship as well be it romantic, friendship, co-worker ect.
-The Five Card Spread which is for any situation 1) The past 2) The Present 3) The Future 4) What is holding you back 5) How to move forward
'Your Readings' This is where your readings are saved so you can refer back to them when you need to.
'View Cards' Here you can view the entire deck from here and view the message for each card.
'About' Is the page that tells you a bit about the deck, myself as the creator and links to purchase items like readings.
This was a huge venture for me and took me and the work and cost to maintain it will be ongoing! If you care to help me with this adventure I invite you to become a patron of mine to support me!