Introducing Haley MacIntyre to the StrokeOfSoul Etsy Store
Metalsmith, Drum and Rattle Maker

Haley MacIntyre was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada; growing up in
Airdrie where the foothills of the Rocky Mountains meet the plains. Long
winding paths, roads stretching to the horizon,
and wide open prairie skies gave rise to a contemplative observational
perspective and a sense of vastness, feeling like a blade of sweetgrass
blowing in the wind or a poplar bud on the Great Tree of Life. She
embarked on the Artistic path in 2007, enrolling in Red Deer College’s
Visual Arts program and transitioning to the Alberta College of Art + Design
(AuArts) in 2008 where she studied an array of mediums. Through a silver
casting project she had unintentionally made what was called ‘a pendulum’,
opening her up to the world of Divination; which would play a pivotal role
in her Earthwalk. Haley graduated in 2011 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts
degree, specializing in Jewellery + Metals.
Moving to the Okanagan valley in 2012, she was introduced to the benefits
of energy healing sessions in BodyTalk, Dru Yoga, Qi Gong, Healing
Touch, and Sacred Sound. She developed a relationship to the land
through medicinal plants and the local community, supporting her to grow
roots in the place she now calls home. In 2013, Haley received her first
Usui Reiki attunement from Mahada Thomas. This year, the seed of Drum
Making would be planted in Haley’s heart through her respected Elder,
Sunnaira Armstrong; however, she would not make her own drum until
many years later.
In 2014 to 2015, Haley further developed energetically through the Inner
Power Series developed by Adel Mosley. She transformed through years of
personal development and spiritual counsel with her mentor Richard Knox.
In spring of 2015 Haley became attuned to Reiki level II, with her beloved
cousin Nicole Audia. After many years of Reiki practice, Haley received the
Reiki Master’s attunement in spring of 2020. Serendipitously, her cousin
invited her to participate in a Drum Making workshop with the Circle of
Indigenous Nations Society (C.O.I.N.S) that very summer. It was there in
Castlegar she was gifted the opportunity to learn the way of Drum making,
with her very first Hand Drum of Deer and Yellow Cedar.
After sharing songs with friends on seasonal Holy Days, the need for drum
making in her local community became apparent. In spring of 2022, she
gathered the necessary materials to make an Elk rawhide drum along with
her Soul Sister Mahada, guided in a class by Lori Morningstar. Blossoming
in her creative expression, Haley has since facilitated several workshops of
her own. Drum making, metal working, and Reiki have taught Haley the
value of listening, being still enough to receive messages and teachings for
our Earthwalk from materials themselves. It’s both humbling and
empowering to learn how elements relate to one another, connecting with
the Earth in a good way.
Haley is inspired by the teachings of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Ram
Dass,Gregg Braden, the art of Rachel Brice, Alexander Calder, Giocametti,
Gaudi, Mike Reynolds, the harmony of Fractals, the love of family,
ancestors, and gardening; all of which come from what Haley can only
describe as “the Light of My Heart” and Great Spirit. Her creative work
redefines the everyday and teases Beauty out of the mundane. For her it’s
about who you become in the process of living out and acting in the
direction of your inner vision, and expanding the realm of possibility for our
collective dream.
Haley is Rainbow Tribe born into heritage of many cultures. Her ancestors
include peoples of Italian, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, French, and Sexqiltqin-
Secwepemc lineage. She is inspired by indigenous ways of life,
appreciating each culture’s deep wisdom from their lands and unique ways
of walking the Earth. Haley is eager to learn about each one of their Drum
and adornment styles, to heal through their medicine. Sharing the unique
gifts we’ve been born with becomes medicine for the group so we can lift
ourselves up, and grow the way nature intends us to for the highest benefit
to all.